July 31, 2020

Retort maintenance: key to a successful operation

Retort itself is one of the most reliable equipment within food industry with usual low to nil maintenance costs. However, a lack of preventive maintenance could lead to big headache in a few years of operation. Take a look at our recommended guidelines for carrying out a successful retort maintenance.

retort maintenance
Retort preventive maintenance is a must within the production line

Retort maintenaince guidelines

Final user should prepare a preventive maintenance schedule based on the company history and findings with their own retorts. However, the following schedule couls be used as initial guidelines while earning operation know-how:

Part Actions Frequency
Temperature sensors Check all temperature measurements against the master thermometer and report to quality control any deviation +/- 0.5ºC Daily
Master Thermometer Send to a higher standard laboratory for calibration and certification Yearly
Pressure sensors Check all pressure measurements against the master gauge and report to quality control any deviation +/- 100 mbar Weekly
Door Inspect door, flanges surface, door lock and safety latch performance Weekly
Heat exchanger by-pass valve Check adjustment and reset if necessary Monthly
Chain position switches Check chain positioning and adjust the switches and reset the chain if necessary Monthly
Conveyor chain Check condition and tighten if necessary Monthly
Packing Make sure there is not any leakage Monthly
Conveyor chain motor and transmission Lubricate the surface with KLUBERSYNTH GH6-32 Weekly
Spray nozzles Check and replace As necessary
Chain dog Check condition and position Weekly
Roller track Check rollers and replace as necessary Yearly
Door gasket Replace in case of any small tear or wear As necessary
Recycle Pump Change the seal if it leaks As necessary
Emergency stops Check operation Yearly
Safety valves Check the safety valves Yearly
Retort Hydraulic test Every 3 years or as required by law (*)

(*) Typical regulations require hydraulic tests of the vessel every 3-5 years. Before testing the vessel, remove all components that may not resist the test pressure.

Retort cleaning recommendations

Part Frequency
Door gasket cleaning and lubrication Daily
Pump suction screen Daily
Recirculation filter Weekly
Water level controller Monthly
Spray nozzles Every six months
Spray pipes Yearly
Heat Exchanger Yearly

Silicon oil is recommended to clean door gaskets for easy door lock opening and closing.

Cleaning detergents must be low acid (pH>6).

In case you would like a detailed assesment and assistance on your retorts maintencance please contact us.

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